Note** Only an admin of a property can edit the borders.
Click on the Property Information icon at the top right of the map page.
Select the Edit Borders button.
This will show the existing border points of the property.
Press and hold any of the border points until selected. You will know this because the map will move, bringing the border point out from under your finger.
(We know this is kinda weird, but it's just how GoogleMaps does it. It makes sense, though, if you think about it. This way you can actually see the border point because it isn't hidden under your finger.)
Move your finger to move the border point and drop it wherever you would like. Repeat as desired. When the map borders look like you want them to, click the save button. If you want to cancel all the changes and put the map back like it was, click the trash can icon, and the map borders will return to the original locations.
Click the "X" to exit out of the Property Administration page and return to the Map page.